Jesca Hoop: Five Songs Live EP Review
With the recent release of Undress, Jesca Hoop fans have been rewarded with more frequent releases than ever. It was
North Georgia's Own Troublemaking Record Slingers
North Georgia's Own Troublemaking Record Slingers
With the recent release of Undress, Jesca Hoop fans have been rewarded with more frequent releases than ever. It was
This article is about Ceramic Dog’s second album, Your Turn. Ceramic Dog is the densest trio I’ve ever come across. Their polystylism covers more genres in one album than do most musicians in a lifetime. Their 2013 album, Your Turn, was released to great praise from critics, but seems to have escaped notoriety. This is somewhat of a trend for group leader, Marc Ribot (pronounced ree-bo). READ MORE NOW! …
With 2 days and change to go, the raiders guys have reached their goal. I’m super excited for them,
A long time ago, in a … wait, wrong movie. Way back in the 80s, right after Raiders of the
If you haven’t heard Jesca Hoop, you’re doing something wrong. If you have, then you know what I mean when
The House that Jack Built by Jesca Hoop (2012) The first time I ever experienced Jesca Hoop’s music was at