Hello, everyone!
Thanks to the generous support of our backers, we have now surpassed the halfway point in our funding goal, meaning that we can now begin to think about our next two stretch goals after we completely reach our initial funding goal. Meeting either of these stretch goals would greatly increase our ability to quickly and efficiently assemble the books and magazines.
If we reach $350, we’ll buy an industrial paper cutter. At that level, we’ll ensure that every backer who’s receiving items in the mail will also receive an Analog Revolution poster.
At $500, we’ll buy a long-arm stapler. When we reach that goal, each backer will receive a handmade journal or notebook.
The more funding we receive, the better we’ll be able to experiment and find the most efficient and timely ways to make the magazines. As it stands right now, we’re still experimenting with finding the best types of glue and magazine-size combinations. We’ll also be able to get better at pressing records!
Each and every one of your donations is appreciated. Remember, you’re able to pledge in amounts as small as $1 and $5, and every little bit helps. Even if you aren’t able to donate monetarily, please continue to “like” and share our posts and tell your friends. The more people we reach, the better our magazine has the potential to be. Thank you for your continued support!
I don’t know what I love more; the fact that Analog Revolution is here, or that you have a toilet as the seat for the drum kit in your video.