Noble Thieves - Archived

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The Noble Thieves
Noble Thieves is a band that has operated out of Hiram, Marietta, and Athens. They are Christian Romer and Brent Buckner.

They’ve been plying music for a long time. Longer than either of them would like to admit.

They are no one. They’ve never played a sold out show to an arena of screaming fans (most of the time, they were lucky if they played to a crowd larger than 70) but, they are an astounding musical force, capable of moving theoretical mountains.

Honestly though, who they are doesn’t matter. What matters is the music that they play. This music is haunting, sweet, sorrowful, and surprisingly sophisticated.

They are one of the most astounding and personally influential bands I’ve had the pleasure of discovering. This, in spite of the fact that the one CD they released was recorded on a computer running windows 98 in a sweltering, airconditionless, farmhouse attic in Athens.

They have released one CD, which is currently out of print and one EP which is now available from Analog Revolution.

Author: Andrew

The "brains" behind the operation. An absent minded, energetic, and often times overwhelming individual. He is in his early 20s. He discovered how amazing music could be in highschool, and has spent the last several years trying to absorb all of it. When he isn't writing about music, he is slinging code or playing vintage arcade games. Please don't ask him to dance. He doesn't like that.