And So It Begins. - Archived

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I’m hiking the Appalachian Trail. If you want to help me eat, you can donate here:

I’m asking for donations of $5-$10 because that’s about what it costs for me to eat for one day. 


Okay, quick update. It’s Tuesday February 23 and it is raining. Luckily, I’m sitting on a rug eating lasagna while my clothes are in a dryer.

Yesterday, Avery, Alie, and I hiked 8 miles to the Hawk Mountain shelter where we were greeted by six cheerful hikers already settled in. We got there around 2pm and over the course of the next five hours we had more than a dozen more hikers join us at the shelter bringing the grand total to over 25!

We ended up pitching our tents as soon as we got to the shelter. And lo! No sooner had we taken our tents out of their stuff sacks than it started pouring. I ended up getting my pants and shirt pretty soaked. We met so many awesome people and had the whole afternoon to get to know our fellow hikers.

Today we hiked thirteen miles past Gooch Shelter (you read that correctly) to Woody Gap. Today’s terrain was definitely more strenuous, but I feel absolutely great physically. All day I was astounded at how energetic I felt. I’ve basically been eating constantly.

These first two days have been pretty humbling, but very encouraging. Of course I’ve made a few rookie mistakes I knew better than to let happen. But that’s just the nature of jumping in to something like this head first. There’s definitely an adjustment period, but I’m learning quickly and every one is very supportive of one another.

This is so much more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.
_IGP5109 2
It certainly is!
In all seriousness though, gorgeous.
And again, I’m in pajama pants eating lasagna on the world’s softest rug. There’s a pretty serious storm coming and with half of our gear pretty soaked we decided it was a good idea to reset rather than risk the oncoming storm in sub-par condition. Avery’s sister lives a couple miles away from Woody Gap and so here we are! Tomorrow we’ll do ten miles to Neal’s Gap, the first opportunity for re-supply along the trail. Unfortunately, I packed WAAAAAAY too much food (I knew it was more like seven days than three days of food, but still). In fact, my food might actually weigh more than the rest of my gear put together.

Anyway, I gotta go get my clothes out of the dryer. Thank you all so much, I’ve received a little over $200 so far and I’ve already started writing some of your letters! Enjoy being warm and dry!

An unfortunate misspelling of the ubiquitous phrase “Ryan slays noobs”

Author: Ryan

A piece of the "brute force" behind the operation. A hack-of-all-trades, Ryan is also a long-distrance backpacker and dedicated jazz snob with a passion for karaoke.

1 thought on “And So It Begins. - Archived

  1. Darryl says:

    I really enjoy your updates, I hope you get enough for a book!


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