Borrowed Time/Bush comes bursting through your speakers like a hijacked TV broadcast, with equal parts righteous indignation and infectious grooves. And if it sounds like a threat, that’s because it is.
Borrowed Time/Bush kicks off with I Am, a washed-out horseback ride through the depths of space and time, before fading into Borrowed Time. The first of the two title tracks, Borrowed Time is an Ecclesiastical warning about the futility of wealth and earthly treasures, in a surf-y, psychedelic package. Side A ends with Abraham Lincoln, Bearded Freak, a thundering sample of still-unreleased material from the Goop vault, laced with quotes from the Trial of the Chicago 8 press conferences.
![<div class="wcmp-player-container product-9774"><audio controlslist="nodownload" data-product="9367" volume="1" preload="none" data-lazyloading="none" class="wcmp-player track mejs-classic" data-duration="3:15"><source src="" type="audio/mp3" /></audio></div>Connor Dylan - Borrowed Time/Bush](
Connor Dylan – Borrowed Time/Bush
These CDs and Cassettes are made in house at Analog Revolution Headquarters.
Borrowed Time/Bush kicks off with I Am, a washed-out horseback ride through the depths of space and time, before fading into the A-side single, Borrowed Time. The first of the two title tracks, Borrowed Time is an Ecclesiastical warning about the futility of wealth and earthly treasures, in a surf-y, psychedelic packa…
Atlantis, Full of Cheer rolls in like a gentle tide. A watery, melancholic jam from the dark depths of the ocean. The heavy bass of Bush then shatters the stillness of the ocean depths with pounding bass and relentless drums. If Borrowed Time is the Ghost of Christmas Present in its warning to rich oppressors, Bush is the Ghost of Christmas Yet-To-Come. Layered with sampled news clippings and revolutionary polemics, Bush is an avant-garde soundscape that calls workers and oppressed people all over the world to arms. The record closes on I Am (Reprise), darker and more ominous this time, riding out of sight into the further reaches of the universe in search of new sonic frontiers.
Connor, also known as noms de guerre Goop, Burnett Down, and others we can’t disclose without putting him at risk of rendition by the CIA and Mossad, also serves as the keyboardist and explosives specialist in Doctor Deathray’s Implements of Destruction, Analog Revolution’s crown jewel band and one of the world’s pre-imminent blues-punk outfits. His hobbies include compiling documents pertaining to US Imperial policy and letting the air out of Tesla tires.