RAT BABIES Live from Ellijay!!

A pair of scrappy dudes showed up in our tiny town. Mux loaded in two massive 8×10 bass cabinets while T. Chodd set up on the drum kit. Our dear friends, Rat Babies, came and decimated the Gilmer Arts Playhouse here in Ellijay, and you can listen to it! The doomy sludge is thick and voracious in its attack. These four live tracks (and bonus studio track) were ripped directly out of the void created by Rat Babies.

My favorite track, “Bury a Friend,” pairs thick riffs with melancholy lyrics. The emotion filled track cradles you in a warm wall of fuzz.

This EP marks the October release for CassettesFor.Me, Analog Revolution’s monthly subscription service. CassettesFor.Me brings you independent artists directly to your mailbox or inbox through our cassette, CD, or digital subscription. At only $15 a month shipped to your door ($8 for digital), you can support local musicians while stocking up your Walkman, Discman, or iPod!

Be sure to check out our shop to purchase directly, CassettesFor.Me for the subscription (subscribe by October 15th for Rat Babies!), and New Ellijay TV to watch the lo-fi version of the live set!

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